Consulting Food Sector

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Production of flavourings for the food and zootechnical industry
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Typology of intervention

• Measurement of the current and future value of the company.


• Identification of a detailed development plan that can support the identified prospective value. • Scouting for the identification of potential industrial and / or financial partners.


• Support of the Property in the phase of deepening and negotiation with the two identified potential buyers.


• Support to the Property for the finalization of the sale operation.


•  Clear identification of the company’s value.


• Search for possible trajectories for a satisfactory valuation of the shares.


• Identification of new operational hypotheses to support a plan for further and ambitious development.


• Identification of industrial partners consistent with the Plan and recognized as the maximum guarantee of continuity and support for growth.


• Excellent valuation of the price at the time of sale of the entire share package to the selected industrial partner (4x value from the time of purchase to that of the sale).